

The DIY TV mirror

There are a few little treasures in this apartment that have been here longer than me. I'm not the only builder in this house, the Doctor is pretty awesome at it as well. One of my favourites is the TV mirror that hangs on our living room wall.

It's really simple. At least so I was told. All you need it an old TV frame (you can probably find those at the dumpster or buy a cheap broken TV on ebay or something the like) and a mirror that preferably has the same size/fits into the back of the TV. If you don't have a mirror that size, you might think about cutting it if you want to make a TV mirror.

When you've got what you need, you're only one step away from completing the TV mirror. Use silicone (the kind you would use to seal your sink) to glue the mirror to the TV frame. It's a fool proof way, you just need to let it dry thoroughly. It might be ready after a few hours, but since we're talking about a mirror here and those shards bring bad luck, I'd recommend letting it sit for a day before you hang it on your wall.

As you see, it's super easy to make and looks great. Especially if you have a man in your house who's into technology. And what man isn't....

And yes, I do realize the irony in the TV visible in the TV mirror...

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